O.C. Chili Winter Trail Run Comes to O’Neill Park

This article was published on News-n-Views

We all can feel the long winter weather dragging along this year. The cool air and moisture filled clouds often make us want to cuddle up under our blankets with some warm soup and watch our favorite flicks. Well it’s officially time to kick off the sheets and hop into our running shoes! This Saturday, March 13, join the O.C. Chili Winter Trail Run to keep you motivated and fit during the cold season.

The course begins bright and early at 8:30 a.m. and will bring runners on a 5 mile trail through the scenic landscape of O’Neill Regional Park. This is a community event and features so much more than a brisk morning run. In addition to the fun-filled raffle, from 9a.m. to 11a.m. there will be a campfire and Chili Cook Off to keep runners warm, fit and well fed.

The trail run seeks to benefit Trails4All, a not for profit organization that assists in coordinating volunteer trail projects and to raise funds to support volunteer groups that undertake those projects. Trails4All is working with a network of about thirty groups, agencies and retail stores, and includes outdoor enthusiasts such as hikers, mountain bikers, trail runners and equestrians.

We all have experienced the effect of the struggling economy in our lives, but many do not consider the effect on our local recreation areas. It is estimated that over 700 miles of natural surface and trails are shared in Orange County, and although the land increases each year, the county’s budget for the park system decreases. Trails4All uses its generous donations to contribute to the maintenance and improvements of these natural resources.

The organization continues to welcome members, sponsors, donations and volunteers to help continue its efforts. Participants can be involved with trail construction, environmental clean-ups for creeks and watersheds, instructional seminars, youth programs and of course trail maintenance. Volunteers are also welcome to contribute their time at the O.C. Chili Winter Run Series and can sign up on the event website.

The March 13 run is actually the second in the O.C. Chili Winter Run Series, with the next race being held April 17. Registration prices vary and those who sign up have the option of buying a high quality fashionable t-shirt to show your commitment to your fitness and the organization’s efforts. You can find more information and past race pictures and results on the event website at www.bookthatevent.com.

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